SCC Meeting Minutes - Sept. 29, 2022

Posted On Thursday October 13, 2022

Present: Debra Sotirakos, Kamran Ansari, Lindsay McKinney, Tara Paterson, Craig Bonikowsky, Tyler Edwards, Carmen Senjab, April Dobson, Mitch Mongrain, Desiree Johnson-Fowler, Jessica Stroud, Cullen Dobson, Rohini Robinson, Ziyad Mohamed

Regrets: Melissa Rabjohn


1)      Welcome: Introduction of each person. Who child is and relation to school.

2)      Update of facilities: FDK-outdoor education specialist gave ideas on how to use space

Outdoor learning tools, mudkit, play centres

Parent who is an arborist is consulting with us and town to create partnership in cleaning up the woods, clearing dead trees for outdoor learning spaces. Might be a potential pilot school.

Painted activities on pavement, worked with Waverly for materials. New basketball nets. Outdoor volleyball area.

4 new sets of school uniforms.

New furniture in 2 classes, new garden boxes in front of school. 2 outdoor sheds in FDK, 1 outside for gym.

New outdoor recess balls.

8 new whiteboards in classes. Brand new counters in art room. New banners for grade 8. New mural for unlearn.

Co-curriculars- Staff have run activities for every division everyday last year. Some students were leaders of activities they wanted. Ie. Rainbow loom, UNO. Hosting a cross country meet.

New grad awards. Grad was now at Eastdale HS- providing 10 guests for each grad. Reception back at school. Overnight grad trip, one of only schools in Durham that did this.

Mental Health night- 2 day event. Idea came from a parent. Authors and community partners were part of event.

We have 4 college students who will be here on Thursday + Friday’s.

We welcome partnership for any ideas or talents of parents to work with parents.

Library renovation is about to be started. – Also received $1000 for new books for the library. Money being spent on diversity, books in different languages, races and cultures that are spoken or present in our school.

First Canada Marketplace – great deals and selection where you can search by categories.

3)      Tour of building – new posters, murals, banners, identity being showcased throughout the building. New art counter, furniture in science room.

4)      Informed of Tate brothers and the concern and influencing that they are having on older students. Letter coming home to grade 6-8 students.

5)      School learning Plan – Primaries piloting program that will run all year. Focus on how we learn to read, tying language together. Junior Division- Human rights/Diversity. Intermediates – Indigenous Education/Social Justice/Critical thinkers

6)      Roles and Responsibilities – Treasurer, Secretary, Chair. Need to attend 6 of 8 meetings to be a voting member

Chair- Nominees – April Dobson+ Cullen Dobson will co chair as no one else ran

Tresurer- Nominees- Carmen Acclaimed

Secretary - No nominees (Mitch will think about it)

Community Member –

Voting Member- Rohini, Ziyad, Kamren, April, Mitch, Carmen, Mr. Edwards


7)      Fundraising will be discussed at next meeting.

8)      Events, groups brought into school for year will also be discussed.